Why VetIntegration?


Providing a secure website for vet practices is our number one priority. It is vital to us to keep your information safe. We use several layers of security to ensure that your VetIntegration website and vet practice information is safeguarded from intruders. In addition to ColdFusion security, your username and password are stored on secured Windows servers hosted by exceedingly trustworthy professionals. Beyond this, we have installed secure firewalls to protect the VetIntegration.com data and your vet practice website. We have a team of professionals whose primary job responsibilities include data security.

Easy to Use!

VetIntegration.com was designed by veterinarians!  They use it daily in their practice to create invoices in the field and generate medical records.  The vets wanted as few clicks as possible and a simple and easy to use interface so they can get their job done quickly.  Create an invoice and medical record for a customer in less than a minute!  Email or create a PDF of each invoice or medical records just takes a second!  It's a snap!

Mobile Frienldy

VetIntegration.com is available for all mobile devices.  It will resize for the appropriate smart device screen that you are using.  The vets that design VetIntegration use laptops and smart devices of phones or tablets.


VetIntegration.com is affordable!  For only $1,400 a year, your vet practice can easily reap the benets of easy invoicing from the field to the office, easy medical record tracking and instant lookup and retrievla.  All at your fingertips!